Retirement Coaching
Leaving the workforce is a time rich in both peril and potential. Many enter retirement unprepared for this major transition, and find the coming period stressful and dispiriting. Those who prepare strategically can enter retirement deservedly optimistic that it may be one of the most exhilarating and rewarding periods of their lives.
Retirement Coaching is a highly customized and creative collaboration between coach and client. Typically it focuses on the six most critical elements of this extended phase of life. These are Frank Granek’s Six Pillars of Positive Retirement.
Pillar 1: Sense of Purpose. Having a reason to wake up in the morning and embrace the day, including goals that confer a sense of meaning and accomplishment as well as daily activities that are engaging and create a sense of “flow”.
Pillar 2: Financial Readiness. Developing and strategically using monetary resources to live with ease and maintain pursuits that are gratifying in terms of immediate emotions (hedonia) and deeper fulfillment (eudaimonia).
Pillar 3: Physical Wellbeing. Sustaining vibrant energy and countering age-related health processes through a comprehensive program of physical activity, nutrition, restorative sleep, and wider recovery practices.
Pillar 4: Mental Fitness. Countering stress, strengthening positive mindset, and sustaining or improving cognitive capabilities such as memory, mental focus, and creativity.
Pillar 5: Social Connection. Maintaining and revitalizing existing relationships as well as creating new ones to both enrich daily living and ensure practical support.
Pillar 6: Leisure Activities. Selecting, committing to, and pursuing recreational activities that help rejuvenate the body, challenge the mind, and expand the spirit.
Frank Granek delivers retirement coaching services in three contexts: pre-retirement readiness, mid-retirement fulfillment, and professional second acts.
I. Pre-Retirement Strategy Coaching
Frank’s pre-retirement coaching process integrates leading retirement assessment inventories and his own proprietary assessment tools to determine your readiness for retirement across each of the “Six Pillars” as well as other variables. In the areas that warrant development, Frank helps clients determine critical objectives and initiate action steps. Subsequent sessions help clients advance on each of these paths, overcome obstacles, and close the gap on optimal retirement readiness.
II. Mid-Retirement Life Coaching
The challenges of retirement often blindside the retiree several months or later into this phase. Even those who have prepared robustly for retirement often find themselves challenged on one or more of the pillars or experience a larger sense of being “stuck” in an unfulfilling phase of life. Frank helps retirees cultivate a positive attitude about retirement, establish or refine their retirement plan, and take concrete steps to ensure they flourish in terms of each of the retirement pillars.
III. Professional Second Act Coaching
For some, retirement from one career is an opportunity to pursue a very different one. Many leaders, for example, hope to leverage their expertise and experience in roles as consultants and coaches on a full- or part-time bases. Others seek to become senior contributors in new industries, or to launch and expand entrepreneurial ventures. Frank Granek helps clients succeed in these transitions and thrive in new and rewarding careers.